How I Save Business Owners $29,997 Minimum from Disappointing

Ads. VSLs. Emails. Copy. Campaigns.

Stop being upset by the lost effort and money you put into low-performing campaigns.

Start giving your online business a new chance to sell with copy that brings in deals.

One 15-minute No Commitment Conversation

Four Purpose-Bringing Marketing Exercises

Marketing Report

Have you ever wondered ...

... Why your copy fails?

Most pieces of copy you see follow brand guidelines…

And great frameworks

And they even highlight the features of the product. And that’s great.

But… because they don’t have PERSUASIVE POTENTIAL; the kind that makes people drop their cup of coffee to focus…

They fail…

…After high hopes, hundreds of hours of prep, and thousands of dollars burnt trying to get them live, you have nothing.

The piece just sits on the web and does NOTHING.

It bombs.

Even worse, it takes more money to keep them running – a truly gut-wrenching feeling.

And this is, quite frankly, a problem that can easily be fixed for you.

I follow a direct-response “benefits first” approach that ensures the readers know that they want the offer for sure.

No second guessing.

And because of this, even ordinary pieces of copy I write… things as common as blogs…

Capture leads months after going live.

A lot more than you’d consider ordinary.

In fact, 85% of all copy I’ve written in the last 12 months are still live and profitable.

See if it is useful to you.

Hi, I am Emelie.

And there’s a good chance that we’ll create great campaigns together. Here’s why.

Don't Believe me?

Advanced Praise for my work

Brands That I Have Worked With

Don’t Know How to Improve Your Results?

Stop procrastinating because you're afraid you'll mess up - Let me show you what to do

Get me to reliably cover your essential marketing copy. (Essential = Direct Response)
Pressed for time? Do you have an Urgent Launch?

I can write a full Sales Package of 10 ads, 30 emails, and a VSL for a month-long promo in under 5 weeks. Breakneck speeds.

My #1 method for attracting leads from a sea of complete strangers
Lower your Ad CPCs… without doing anything more difficult than
Understand how to handle VSL promos (without spending too much to get it right)

Save time and Make More Money with…

The Complete Creative Partner for Online Businesses


Complete copy for each step of the funnel.


Funnel Hacking and high-tier marketing frameworks.


Spend less. Make more..

Stand Out from the Crowd…

You’ve heard 10,000 people say it before, but here’s how I’ll make it happen.

15-minute (or less) Intro Call

Complete copy for each step of the funnel.

DIY Marketing Exercises

You gain a deeper understanding of your customers and what moves them.

45-minute (or more)Scoping Call

If we are on the same page, this call will cover the specific details of your offer.


I understand how to approach your marketing problem.


Add your ideas and get my piece better aligned with your demands


After deployment, you get 2 weeks of my availability to optimize the results.

Are you ready to…

Have a Great Campaign?

Here’s what you REALLY get…

Go from Confused to Certain — Right where you are.

You Get More Time

Stop wearing yourself out by jumping between every department of your business. Ease your workload with a partner that has your copywriting covered.

You Get More Freedom

Not just to buy a Lambo or a house. No. You get the freedom to deeply enjoy the beauty of selling your products without having to do everything yourself.

You Get More Out of Your Marketing Budget

Say goodbye to the ‘test and pray it works’ strategy. Now you’d have a real projection of how your campaigns will work when you test them.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 Facebook ad (30 to 90-second script + Primary text + 3 Headlines) = $300
1 email = $100
1 (5–10-minute VSL) =$3500

I can complete one 90-second Ad project in 2 days. This should give an idea of how long it will take for other project types.

After the scoping call, if we are willing to move on with the project, I will demand a 50% upfront fee. The rest is to be paid no more than 1 week after all parties are happy with the result, and the piece is ready to be deployed.

In the possible event that you are not convinced by my work, I will pay another Copywriter to get it done till you are.

Depending on the project, I may require you to give me a brief on the premise upon which your online business exists + samples of what you have done before. After our scoping call, I may require a view of the funnel you operate.
I respect them. However, I will ask for the right to say that I worked with you.
I likely do. I will reply to your email with a more detailed response.